
Savršen Smokey eye makeup look - Perfect smokey eye makeup look

By Unknown - May 23, 2017

Kada govorimo o načinima da šminkom istaknemo oči, nekako nam prvo na pamet pada smokey eye makeup look. Otprilike, ništa drugo ni ne poznajemo kao adekvatan  eye makeup.
Osim možda crnog ajlajnera. Elem, smokey eye je zavodljiv, dramatičan i upadljiv, a kad god želimo da budemo primećene znamo da ćemo sa njim postići taj željeni efekat.

When we talk about ways to highlight the eye makeup, somehow we first comes to mind smokey eye makeup look. Roughly speaking, nothing else we do not know as adequate eye makeup.
Except maybe the black eyeliner. Anyway, smokey eye is a seductive, dramatic and striking, and whenever we want to be perceived that we know him to achieve the desired effect.


Prvo i osnovno pravilo, takoreći i početničko, glasi: uvek prvo na kapke nanesi podlogu za senku ( prajmer ) kako bi ona što duže i urednije ostala tu gde jeste i gde si je nanela.

First and foremost rule, so to speak, and Starter, read: always apply to eyelids for shadow surface (primer) to make it longer and more orderly remain where he is and where he has done.


Čak i ako želiš crni smokey eye, za posebnu dubinu i još bolji efekat dodaj malo braon senke.
Primera radi: Kada crnom olovkom iscrtaš ivice oka, braon senkom ih ublendaj tako da dobiješ taj "zadimljeni" efekat. Braon se neće mnogo videti kada se pomeša sa crnom, a izgledaće mnogo bolje.

Even if you want the black smokey eye, for a special depth and even better effect add a little brown shadow.
For example: When a black pencil do the edge eye, brown shadow spoil them so that you get the "smoky" effect. Brown will not see much when mixed with black, it will look a lot better.


Smokey eye ne mora da bude crn! Igraj se sa bojama i dodaj malo tamnih nijansi bordo, teget ili braon. Pokušaj, možda ti se svidi više nego crna.

Smokey eye does not have to be black! Play with colors and add a little dark shades of burgundy, navy or brown. Try it, maybe you like it more than black.


Drži se linije donjih trepavica kako bi tvoj makeup bio uredan i perfektan. Nemoj se previše udaljavati od donjih trepavica kako ne bi dobila tamne "podočnjake" koje si jedva sakrila.

Hold the line lower lashes to your makeup was neat and perfect. Do not be too far from the lower eyelids so as not to get dark "dark circles" that you could not hide.


Na kraju, ne zaboravi da "očistiš" predeo oko očiju na kojem ne treba da se nađe ni trunčica senke.
Drži se linije trepavica dole i pregiba oka gore kako bi izgledala uredno i čisto.
Ispod donjih trepavica ide korektor, iznad pregiba, tačnije, ispod obrva ide hajlajter i spremna si za osvajanje grada. 💋👌

Finally, do not forget to "clean up" the eye area in which it is to be found no whit shadow.
Hold down the lash line and crease of the eye of the mountain to make it look neat and clean.
Below the lower lashes go corrector above the fold, respectively, below the brow highlighter going and you're ready to conquer the city. 💋👌

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  4. Perfectly!
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  5. Predivan i pomalo edukativan post. Vjerujem da će dobro doći svakoj od nas, a posebno početnicima. I ja sam jedan od strastvenih ljubitelja smokey eyes.

    Moj mali kutak

  6. Perfect lips <3


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