
Pravilno nanošenje bronzera - Proper application of bronzer

By Unknown - May 21, 2017

Korišćenje bronzera ponekad može da bude zastrašujuće i ono što još znamo je da to nije ni najmanje lak zadatak!

Use bronzer can sometimes be scary and what else do we know that this is not at all an easy task!

Prilikom nanošenja bronzera, važno je da odabrati pravu nijansu bronzera za svoj ten. Onaj koji ima teksturu koja će odgovarati vašem tipu kože dajući mu prirodan, svež izgled.

When applying bronzer, it is important to choose the right shade of bronzer for your complexion. One that has a texture that will suit your skin type giving it a natural, fresh look.

Jer, iako je svrha bronzera da suptilno vam pruži taj efekat preplanulog, bronzanog tena, svi težimo ka tome da to izgleda što prirodnije i lepše. Naravno, na to utiče i to koliko dramatičnu promenu želite da postignete!

Because, although the purpose of bronzer to subtly give you the effect tanned, bronze complexion, all strive to make it look more natural and beautiful. Of course, this affects how dramatic the change you want to achieve!

Po pravilu bi trebalo da bude samo nekoliko nijansi tamnije od vaše prave kože. Nakon izbora nijanse, izaberite pravu četkicu. Evo nekoliko korisnih saveta i trikova kako brzo i lako do savršenog izgleda...

As a rule, it should be a few shades darker than your true skin. After selecting shades, choose the right brush. Here are some useful tips and tricks to quickly and easily to the perfect look ...

Prirodni preplanuli izgled lica
Natural tan cheeks

Da bi postigli prirodni preplanuli sjaj lica, izaberite bronzer sa više nijansi. Najbolji način da ga nanesete je uz pomoć široke, okrugle i pufnaste četkice sa zaobljenim vrhom.

To achieve a natural sun-kissed glow facial bronzer select multiple colors. The best way to apply it with the help of a wide, round and fluffy brush with a rounded top.

Koristite ga umesto rumenila
Use it instead of blush

Dosadilo vam je da stalno koristite iste ružičaste i breskva nijanse rumenila, a želite promenu na svom licu? Evo saveta. Pokušajte da koristite svetliju nijansu bronzera umesto rumenila. Bronzer može na sjajan način da zameni rumenilo leti.

Tired of constantly using the same pink and peach blush shades, and you want to change on your face? Here's a tip. Try using a lighter shade of bronzer instead of blush. Bronzer can be a great way to replace the flush years.

Konturisanjem naglasite jagodice 
Contouring emphasize cheekbones

Konturisanje lica će istaknuti vaše crte lica, a posebno naglasiti  jagodične kosti koje će dati vašem licu sasvim novu dimenziju. Za efektniji izgled lica nanesite malo rumenilo prilagođeno vašem tipu kože na jagodice a potom blago pređite pri ivici lica kod jagodica bronzerom. Najbolji način da to uradite je da se nasmejete i onda na same jagodice nanesete bronzer. 

Facial contouring will highlight your facial features and emphasize cheekbones that will give your face a whole new dimension. For effective facial appearance, apply a little blush customized for your skin type on the cheekbone and then move the goods at the edge of the face at the cheekbones bronzer. The best way to do this is to laugh and then apply bronzer on cheekbones.

    " Moda je prolazna, stil je večan. " 
                   - Iv Sen Loran -

         "Fashion is temporary, style is eternal."
                        - Yves Saint Laurent -

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