
Vežba koja podstiče brzo sagorevanje masti - Exercise that promotes rapid fat burning

By Unknown - May 30, 2017

Ćao svima, današnji post se dosta razlikuje od ostalih, kao što možete da primetite, ali nadam se da će mnogima pomoći ukoliko je ovo, upravo ono za čim tragate.
Uz pomoć samo jedne vežbe, možete popraviti držanje celog tela, ali i dovesti liniju do savršenstva.

Hello everyone, today's post is quite different from the others, as you can notice, but I hope it will help much if this is exactly what you are looking for.
With the help of only one exercise, you can fix the posture of the whole body, but also to bring the line to perfection.

Koja je to vežba i kako je poravilno raditi?
 Which is to exercise and how poravilno work?
 U pitanju je obrnuti planking sa dizanjem i spuštanjem zadnjice.

Sedite na pod i ispružite noge ispred vas. Ruke stavite na pod i raširitie prste kako biste imali bolji balans.
Nagnite se unapred za 45 stepeni prema podu,a  ruke stavite ispod zadnjice tako da kreiraju pravu liniju od ramena.
Težinu prebacite na šake i pete i počnite da dižete zadnjicu. Podignite i torzo i noge tako da sa celim telom pravite pravu liniju, kao dok radite klasičan planking. Stegnite stomačne mišiće dok podižete torzo.

It is the reverse planking with lifting and lowering the buttocks.

Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Place your hands on the floor and raširitie fingers in order to have a better balance.
Lean forward 45 degrees to the floor and put his hands under the buttocks so as to create a straight line from your shoulders.
Weight switch to hands and heels and begin to lift the buttocks. Lift your torso and legs so that the whole body you create a straight line, while working as a classic planking. Tighten abdominal muscles and while lifting the torso.

Efekat vežbe:
 The effect of exercise:
 - Zategnuta zadnjica i listovi; U poređenju sa klasičnim plankingom, obrnuti uključuje zadnjicu i listove mnogo više.

- A tight buttocks and calves; Compared to conventional planking, reverse includes the buttocks and leaves many more.

- Poboljšani metabolizam; Dok radite plank, kalorije se mnogo više sagorevaju nego kod dinamičnih vežbi. Dokazano je da ljudi koji najviše rade ovu vežbu nemaju problem sa metabolizmom.

- Improved metabolism; While doing plank, more calories are burned than in dynamic exercises. It has been proven that most people who are doing this exercise do not have problem with metabolism.

- Odlično stanje kičme; Obrnuti planking garantuje poboljšanje držanja, jer se u njem u koriste mišići koji kičmu drže pravom. Ovo je naročito bitno za sve one koji rade u kancelariji i sede.
- Excellent condition of the spine; Reverse planking guarantees improve posture, because in him to use muscles that hold the spine law. This is especially important for those who work in the office and sat down.

- Ako radite ovu vežbu minimum 3 do 4 puta nedeljno, oslobodićete se bolova u kičmi. Obe vrste plankinga su odlične u rešavanju ovakvog problema.

-  If you are doing this exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week, gets rid of the pain in the spine. Both types of planking are excellent in solving this problem.

- Jaki trbušnjaci i ravan stomak; Važno je da ne spuštate previše karlicu ili zabacujete glavu unazad. Ramena takođe treba da budu ravna. Ova vežba takođe jača i ruke, dok istovremeno isteže mišiće ramena.
- Strong abs and a flat stomach; It is important not to descend too pelvis or tosses his head back. The shoulders should also be straight. This exercise also strengthens the hand, while stretching the muscles of the shoulders.

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  1. Great exercise and interesting post! Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for follow, I'm your new follower too (#30)


    1. Thank you dear. You're welcome. Thank you very much for following <3
