
Modna lekcija Monice Bellucci - Fashion lesson Monica Bellucci

By Unknown - May 15, 2017

Seksipilnu Moniku Beluči nikada nećete videti u provokativnoj, a pogotovo ne u vulgarnoj odevnoj kombinaciji.

Sexy Monica Bellucci never appears in a provocative, and certainly not in the vulgar apparel combination.

I dok se ranije pojavljivala i u ležernom izdanju, farmerkama i beloj košulji, u poslednje vreme italijanska lepotica bira uglavnom elegantne, jednostavne haljine.

While previously occurred in and casually, jeans and a white shirt, the recently elected mainly Italian beauty elegant, simple dresses.

Haljine koje nosi su "mirnijih" boja, najčešće crne, tamnozelene i borde.
Nikada preterano otvorene, lako mogu, osim na crvenom tepihu, da se ponesu na bilo kom dešavanju, pa čak i u kancelariji.

Dresses that carries the "calmer" colors, usually black, dark green and burgundy.
Never too open, easily, in addition to the red carpet to bring in any event, and even in the office.

 Uprkos svedenosti, glumica pleni pažnju gde god se pojavi vodeći se maksimom " lepota postaje interesantnija i ekspresivnija kad je pokrivena odećom. "

Despite irreducible, actress attracts attention wherever it occurs leading to the maxim "beauty becomes more interesting and expressive when it is covered by clothing."

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  1. Great post but I only like the red dress... red Valentino! :)
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    Red dress is very nice! 🌠
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  3. Predivan post. Monika je stvarno prava diva. Obožavam je i mnogo joj se divim.
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