
L'OREAL Infallible 24H matte tečni puder - L'OREAL Infallible 24H Matte liquid foundation

By Unknown - May 27, 2017

Novi L’Oreal Infallible Matte tečni puder sprečava da se vaše lice sija, pruža punu pokrivenost 24 sata, a pre svega lako se nanosi.

New L'Oreal Infallible Matte concealer to prevent your face shine, providing full coverage 24 hours, and especially easy to apply.

Tekstura novog L’Oreal Infallible matirajućeg pudera za masnu kožu mi se na prvi pogled dopala, jer je lagana za ovu vrstu pudera i pretvara se u prah. Ovo je jedan od onih pudera namenjenih isključivo masnoj koži, jer ističe suve delove, a osobe sa suvom i normalnom kožom mogu imati osećaj zatezanja. Puder se lepo i lako blenda, posebno sa prajmerom ili fluidom na bazi silikona.

The texture of the new L'Oreal Infallible of mat foundation for oily skin I liked at first sight, because it is easy for this type of powders and turns to dust. This is one of those powders intended exclusively for oily skin, because it highlights the dry areas, and people with dry and normal skin can have a sense of tension. Powder is nice and easy to blend, especially with primer or fluid silicone-based.

Na pakovanju je precizno naznačeno da je tekstura srednje gustine, polu-tečna, i da je pokrivanje potpuno.
Puder pokriva fleke, crvenilo, izgleda prirodno, ali će vam za bubuljice, koje su česti pratilac ovog tipa kože biti potreban korektor.
Puder se nanosi kružnim pokretima počevši od centralnog dela lica ka spolja, prstima ili beauty blender-om, za najprirodniji izgled, a četkom za potpuno pokrivanje.
Ten je matiran, ispoliran, ali nema osećaja, niti izgleda maske i dobro se fotografiše, jer ne sadrži mineralne ili bilo kakve UV filtere, pa bi trebalo koristiti gelove ili fluide sa zaštitnim faktorom kao podlogu.
Kontrola sjaja T-zone je zaista impresivna, 5-6 sati na kombinovanoj koži i ovo je jedan od retkih pudera којi se dodatno ne matira na kraju šminkanja.
Često се nanosi samo na T-zonu, za dnevnu šminku, uz neku BB kremu, što je najbolje rešenje, jer obraze ponekad malo isušuje.
Pakovanje je „zgodna“ tuba sa uzanim vrhom, koja ne curi, a sadrži 35 ml, što je malo više u odnosu na standardnih 30 ml pudera.

The packaging accurately indicated that the texture of the medium density, semi-liquid, and that the covering completely.
Loose covers blemishes, redness, looks natural, but will need to pimples, which are frequent companion of this type of skin will need concealer.
Powder is applied in a circular motion, starting from the central part of the face outward, fingers or sponge beauty, for the most natural look, a brush for full coverage.
Ten is matt, polished, but there is no feeling, no mask and well photographed, it does not contain any mineral or UV filters, so you should use gels or fluids with SPF as a base.
Brightness control T-zone is really impressive, 5-6 hours on combination skin and this is one of the rare powders that are not additionally checkmate at the end of makeup.
It is often applied only on the T-zone, for daytime makeup, with a BB cream, which is the best solution, because the faces sometimes a little dry out.
The packaging is a "hot" with a narrow tube with the tip, which does not drip, and contains 35 ml, which is slightly more than the standard 30 ml of powder.

U Srbiji postoji šest boja, a zanimljivo je da neutralnih nema, prve tri su za hladan podton, imaju roze pigmente, dok su naredne tri tamnije za topao ili žućkasti podton.

In Serbia there are six colors, but it is interesting that there is no neutral, the first three are for a cold undertone, with pink pigments, while the next three darker for warm or yellowish undertone.

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    1. Dear, thanks for follow :)
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  2. nice review :) I am follow you too on GFC

  3. Great review and product.
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  4. Lovely post! I love cosmetics L'oreal, they have excellent products)

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    Nice post.
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    1. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Tkanks for following. <3 <3 <3

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  7. Predivna recenzija. Iako imam veoma suhu kožu lica uživala sam u čitanju i vjerujem da će pomoći mnogim djevojkama koje su u potrazi za ovim tipom proizvoda.

    Moj mali kutak

  8. I haven't tried this one, but I've got oily skin so would like try try this foundation.

    xx, Milena from One Cellar Door

    1. Forgot to add that I follow your blog now! 💕

  9. Super recenzija :)
    Pogledaj i moj blog ako zelis
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