
10 zanimljivih stvari o maskari koje možda niste znali - 10 interesting things about mascara you might not know

By Unknown - May 20, 2017

Maskara je nezaobilazan make-up proizvod u našoj beauty rutini.
To, i još mnogo drugih stvari saznajte u nastavku.

Mascara is an essential make-up product in our beauty routines.
This, and many other things find below.

Pored ruža, maskara je najprodavaniji kozmetički proizvod. Maskara je obavezan deo šminkanja, a dobra stvar je i što menja čitav izgled i ukoliko nosite samo nju.

Besides roses, mascara is the best selling beauty product. Mascara is a compulsory part of makeup, a good thing and it changes the whole look and if you wear only her.

Maskara vas vizuelno čini mlađim, a ten svetlijim. Ukoliko ste prirodno plavi može se desiti da su vaše trepavice toliko svetle da se ni ne vide bez nje.

Mascara visually makes you younger and brighter complexion. If you are naturally blue may be that your lashes are so bright that not even see without it.

1. Maskara je nastala 1913. godine, a njen tvorac je hemičar Tomas Vilijams iz Čikaga koji je za izradu maskare upotrebio ugljenu prašinu i vazelin. Već tada su žene poludele za njom.

1. Mascara was created in 1913, and its creator was a chemist Thomas Williams from Chicago, which is used for making mascara coal dust and Vaseline. Even then women are going crazy for it.

2. Maskara je omiljeni ženski proizvod jer otvara oči, čini ih većim, naglašava trepavice i daje licu svež izgled.

2. Mascara is a favorite product because a woman opens her eyes, making them larger, highlights the lashes and gives the face a fresh look.

3. Maskara se koristila još 4000 godina pre nove ere. Egipćani su je zvali ‚‚kohl", a nanosila se štapićem.

3. Mascara was used more 4000 years BC. The Egyptians called it, kohl "and plied the stick.

4. Važan sastojak maskare je guanin, supstanca koja se dobija od ribljih ljuskica. Guanin je čest sastojak različitih proizvoda za šminkanje jer im daje sjaj.

4. An important element in the mascara is uric acid, a substance which is obtained from fish scales. Uric acid is a common ingredient in various products for makeup because it gives them shine.

5. Prva kremasta maskara slična današnjim, napravljena je tek 1958. godine, pakovala se u bočice i kupovala u kompletu sa aplikatorom.

5. The first creamy mascara similar to today's, was made only in 1958, packed in bottles and bought complete with applicator.

6. Max Factor maskara False Lash Effect svakog minuta se proda negde u svetu, a jedna Lancomeova maskara proda se svake sekunde.

6. Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara every minute being sold somewhere in the world, and one of Lancome mascara is sold every second.

7. U maskarama se nalazi određena količina žive koja je inače otrovna. Ipak, u ovom slučaju reč je o malim količinama koje vam ne mogu štetiti. Živa je zabranjena u svim drugim make up proizvodima, osim u maskari. 

7. The mascara is a certain amount of mercury is usually poisonous. However, in this case it is a small amount that you can do no wrong. Mercury is banned in all other make-up products, except mascara.

8. Većina maskara je namenjena nanošenju u jednom ili maksimalno dva sloja. Maskara se brzo suši pa što više slojeva nanesete, to su veće šanse da će se trepavice slepiti i da će se stvoriti grudvice.

8. Most mascara is designed to coat in one or maximum two layers. Mascara dries quickly so the more layers you apply, the greater the chance that the eyelashes stick together and will create lumps.

9. Većina žena instinktivno otvara usta kad nanosi maskaru. Za to postoji dobar razlog – kada otvorite usta postaje teško treptati.

9. Most women instinctively opened my mouth when applied mascara. For good reason - when you open your mouth becomes difficult to blink.

10. Ni jedna maskara ne bi trebalo da se koristi više od 3 meseca!

10. No one mascara should not be used more than 3 months!

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