
Dresslily - Off The Shoulder Bell Sleeve Checked Dress

By Unknown - August 21, 2017

Pozdrav dragi moji, konačno, haljinica sa Dresslily sajta je stigla.

Pre svega, želim da napomenem da je paket bio jako dobro upakovan i ono najvažnije, haljina mi u potpunosti odgovara!

Obzirom da je ovo prva saradnja sa Dresslily sajtom, plašila sam se, iskreno, na šta će ta haljina ličiti.
Razlog mog straha jesu mnogobrojne prevare sa kojima smo se sigurno svi susreli.

Ali, gle čuda! Haljina koju sam odabrala na sajtu, nije identična haljini koju sam dobila, ona je ista kao sa slike!
Oduševljena sam!
Haljina je napravljena od jako laganog materijala, ne " lepi " se za kožu tela i verujte, ovo je definitivno krpica u kojoj se osećam najprijatnije!

Ono što mi se jako dopada, jeste to što haljina nije nimalo providna, nije bila nimalo oštećena kada sam je dobila i ono najvažnije, nije se deformisala pri pranju!

Sve preporuke za Dresslily sajt.

Takođe, pored haljinice, dobila sam četkicu za nanošenje pudera i paletu senki.
O četkici i paleti ću svoje utiske podeliti sa Vama u nekom od narednih postova.

U svakom slučaju, kvalitet je zagarantovan, možete se uveriti sami na slikama koje slede.


Hello my dear, finally, the dress from the Dresslily site has arrived.

First of all, I would like to point out that the package was very well packed and, most importantly, the dress is perfect for me!

Given that this is the first cooperation with Dresslily site, I was scared, frankly, what this dress will look like.
The reason for my fear is the many scams we've all certainly encountered.

But, look, miracles! The dress I picked on the site is not identical to the dress I got, it's the same as the picture!
I am thrilled!
The dress is made of very light material, not "beautiful" for the skin of the body and believe it, this is definitely the cloth in which I feel the most pleasant!

What I really like is that the dress is not transparent at all, it was not damaged at all when I got it, and most importantly, it did not become deformed when washing!

All recommendations for Dresslily site.

Also, beside the dress, I got a brush for applying powder and a palette of shadows.
I will share my impressions with the brush and palette with you in some of the following posts.

In any case, the quality is guaranteed, you can see for yourself on the pictures that follow.

Da li Vi kupujete sa DRESSLILY sajta?

Nadam se da Ste oduševljeni koliko i ja!
Ukoliko Vam se svideo post, ostavite komentar!
Ljubim Vas!

Obavezno pogledajte ➡️KLIK


Do you buy from a DRESSLILY site?

I hope you are delighted as I do!
If you liked post, leave a comment!

Be sure to see ➡️KLIK
Click to this link: https://www.dresslily.com/tag/tea-length-dresses.html?lkid=1746347

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  1. Odlican post!

    Mihaailo / mihaailo.blogspot.com

  2. Divnaa haljinica, mnogo ti dobro stoji! *-----* Pomislila sam da si neka od onih njihovih modela sa sajta xD ♥♥♥

    Novi post -> https://innisall.blogspot.com/2017/08/dan-na-adi-bojani.html

    1. Hahaha, hvala draga na divnom komplimentu! 😍😍😍

      Pogledacu tvoj post 😍💞

  3. A beautiful dress ;)


  4. Beautiful look!! :)
    And great dress :*


  5. Such a lovely dress, it is very trendy and chic. You look fantastic. I will visit this site as soon as possible.
    Wish you a beautiful day,
    Flo from

  6. Beautiful dress!
    I like your photos!
    Have a nice day, dear!

  7. Bom dia,

    Lindo vestido e ótimos sapato, bela combinação...bjs.


  8. I loveeeed the photos !
    I followed back!

    Big Kisses,

  9. That's a beautiful dress! It looks great :)


  10. I love the post! Such a lovely dress, it is very trendy and chic. You look fantastic on this outfits.

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