
Moja večernja šminka - My evening makeup

By Unknown - June 16, 2017

Složićete se da večernja sminka pruža mnogo više slobode i kreativnosti u šminkanju, nego dnevna šminka.
Vrlo je bitno kada izađemo u večernji provod da svojim izgledom " ISPRIČAMO " jednu dopadljivu priču. Noć je doba kada možete da se igrate sa šminkom, kao i trenutak kada svoj svakodnevni izgled zamenite izgledom zavodnice večeri.

You will agree that evening makeup provides much more freedom and creativity in makeup, but makeup day.
It is very important when you go out in the evening entertainment to its appearance "APOLOGY " a likeable story. Night is the time when you can play with makeup, as well as the moment when his daily appearance change the appearance seductress evening.

Prednost večernje šminke je to što za noćne varijante možete koristiti jarke boje, transparentne ruževe, ajlajnere, veštačke trepavice, šljokice.  

The advantage of the evening makeup is that for nocturnal variations you can use bright colors, transparent lipstick, eyeliner, lashes, glitter.

U nastavku možete videti primer moje večernje šminke, da napomenem, nisam profesionalni šminker, već kao i većina nas uživam u predivnoj dekorativnoj kozmetici.
Ukoliko Vam se dopadne, ostavite komentar, Vaša podrška mi jako znači i jednostavno me motiviše da nastavim dalje ! 

Below you can see an example of my evening makeup that note, I'm not a professional makeup artist, but like most of us enjoy the beautiful decorative cosmetics.
How much you like it, leave a comment, your support we really mean just motivates me to keep going!


Prvi korak - Nanela sam podlogu samo na kritične delove lica, nanosim je najčeće samo na T - zonu. Podloga koju koristim jeste L'oreal infallible mattifying base, o njoj detaljno možete pročitati OVDE.

The first step - I put the surface only on critical areas of the face, apply the most often only on T - Zone. Substrate that I use is the L'oreal infallible mattifying base, about it in detail, you can read HERE.

Drugi korak - Nanela sam puder četkicom za puder.
Puder koji trenutno jako koristim jeste Essence camouflage 2 in 1 make-up concealer, nijansa 10 ivory beige. 
To je najsvetlija nijansa essence pudera, ali verujte, zaista nije toliko svetla. 
Nije poželjno koristiti prste za nanošenje pudera jer na taj način ne prekriva sve delove uključujući uši i vrat.

The second step - I put the powder brush for powder.
Foundation is currently heavily used is the Essence camouflage 2 and 1 make-up concealer, shade 10 ivory beige.
It is the brightest shade essence powder, but believe me, it really is not so bright.
It is not advisable to use fingers for applying powder, because in this way covers all parts including the ears and neck.

Treći korak - Na kapke nanosim samo bazu, a ukoliko boja kapka primetno odudara od nijanse lica, onda nanosim malo pudera. 

Step Three - At eyelids inflict a base, and if the eyelid color noticeably different from shades the face, then inflict some powder.

Četvrti korak - Naravno, nanosim senku! 
Na predeo ispod obrva i prednji deo kapka nanosim belu ili svetlu nijansu senke.
Crnu boju nanosim preko celog kapka vodeći računa da se ne prekrije našminkani deo sa belom senkom. Dodajem malo sive boje i konačno, dobijam sivu metalik nijansu, koja nije toliko napadna, a ističe oči, što je meni jako bitno, s obzirom da imam sitne.

The fourth step - Of course, apply shadow!
In the region below the eyebrows and the front of the lid inflict on white or light shade shadows.

Black coat over the entire eyelid taking care not to cover part of the make-up with white shadow. Add a little gray, and finally get a metallic gray shade, which is not so offensive, and emphasizes the eyes, which is very important to me, because I have small.

Peti korak - Upotrebljavam maskaru, najčešće u crnoj boji, mada novi trendovi diktiraju i metalik boju. 
Maskaru nanosim tako da krajevi trepavica budu više tretirani jer se tako dobija lepši oblik oka.
Maskara koju trenutno koristim je Sephora lash stretcher.
Ukoliko želite možete koristiti i veštačke trepavice koje same po sebi imaju boju i gustinu i one su odličan izbor za večernju šminku.

Step Five - I use mascara, usually in black, although new trends dictate and metallic paint.
I used mascara lashes so that the ends are treated more as this gets more beautiful shape of the eye.
Mascara is currently used by Sephora lash stretcher.

If you want you can use artificial lashes, which themselves have color and density, and they are a great choice for evening makeup.

Šesti korak- Na područije prednjeg dela čela i jagodičnih kostiju nanosim highlighter kao i po sredini nosa. 
Na taj način mogu da osenčam konture lica. 
Za konturisanje lica trenutno koristim Aura Face Contour palette. 

Sixth step - In areas the front of the forehead and cheekbones inflict highlighter as well as in the middle of the nose.
In this way they can shaded contours of the face.

For contouring cheeks currently using Aura Face Contour palette.

Sedmi korak- Olovkom za usta iscrtavam ivice usana ( pošto je sada u pitanju večernja šminka, može se malo preći preko, kako bi usne izgledale punije ), zatim nanosim ruž za usne u svetlijoj nijansi. 

Seventh step - Pen for his mouth drawn edge lips (because it now comes to evening makeup, it can be a little cross over, to the lips look fuller), then spread on lipstick in brighter shades.

Osmi korak - Na samom kraju, nanetu šminku fiksiram puderom u prahu, debelom četkicom u tankom sloju.

Step Eight - In the end, caused to fix my makeup powder, thick brush in a thin layer.

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  1. Predivno! Zaista se vidi da znas da sminkas. Dobila si novog pratioca ♥


    1. Hvala puno draga :) <3
      Svakim danom se sve vise i vise usavrsavam :D <3

  2. Super post kao i tvoja šminka. Zapratila sam te! :)


  3. Predivan look :) Zapratila sam te, bilo bi mi drago kada bi uzvratila :)


  4. Meni je ovo zaista predivno. ma savršeno.
    Magicni svet lepote

    1. Drago mi je da ti se svidja ^_°
      Hvala punooo💄❤💄❤

  5. Make up izgleda jako lepo. ♥

    Uzvrati praćenje ako želiš! :D
    Novi post na Misseslandy

  6. Odličan make up look! Zapratila sam te, ako želiš uzvrati ♥

  7. Thanks dear, i following you :)

  8. Kako si predivnaa♥♥ Odlična šminka. Uzvraćeno praćenje, nadam se da ćemo se lijepo družiti♥

  9. Predivan makeup ^_^ Obozavam ove nijanse senki :))

    Novi post

    1. Hvala puno draga 💄👑
      Radujem se tvom novom postu ❤

  10. Hvala ti puno na divnom komentaru na mom blogu. Imaš divan blog, jako lepo pišeš i naravno zapratila sam te.

    Veliki pozdrav, Kristina ♥


  11. Your makeup looking great!

    Thanks for following my blog,
    I'm following you back on GFC #57 and G+ #16
    Let's keep in touch ♥


  12. interesting post :)
    follow me? follow you :)
